English as a Second Language (ESOL) Skills for Life
Start Date: 15th September 2025
Code: YFPC1570A1
- Part-Time
- Coleraine
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Duration: 1 Year Part-time
Number of weeks: 32
Start date: 15th September 2025
End date: 5th June 2026
Course fees for each year.
Year 1 | Total Fee | |
Fee | £150 | £150 |
Find out more about eligibility for reduced course fees, payment options and financial support available in our fees and funding page.
Course Content
Nauč se anglicky
Najdi nové přátele
Certifikované kurzy angličtiny
Všechny úrovně od začátečníka po experta
Ucz się angielskiego
Poznaj nowych przyjaciół
Świadectwa w niepełnym wymiarze godzin
Wszystkie poziomy od początkujących do ekspertów
Invata Engleza
Intalneste prieteni noi
Certificat, Curs cu frecventa redusa
Toate nivelele de la incepatori la avansati
Išmoksi anglų kalbos
Susipažinsi ir susirasi naujų draugų
Įgysi anglų kalbos kursų sertifikatą Kursai neakivaizdiniu būdu
Visi lygiai, nuo pradedančių iki toli pažengusių
Learn English
Meet new friends
Certificate Part-time Courses
All levels from Beginner to Expert
ESOL Skills for Life (4692)
ESOL Skills for Life qualifications support speakers of other languages based within the UK to develop their English language skills for work, further learning or everyday life.
This suite of ESOL Skills for Life qualification covers 5 levels: Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2. It includes single-mode Awards in Reading, Writing and Speaking & Listening, as well as a full-mode Certificate that combines all three.
Learners must complete an internal assessment to determine the appropriate level of the ESOL qualification they will study. Below are the days and times of each level:
Tuesday: 9.15am - 12.15pm - Entry Level 1 and 2
Tuesday: 2pm - 5pm - Level 1 and 2
Wednesday: 9.15am - 12.15pm - Entry Level 3
These qualifications are intended for anyone based in the UK needing to improve their understanding and use of written or spoken English. This might be to help get on at work (or get a job), prepare for further study, access public services, or just to function more effectively in an English speaking environment.
Assessment Methods
Assessments are conducted in-house through a range of assessments modes. Out centre learners must attend their local campus for some assessments in compliance with regulatory standards.
No specific entry requirements.
BT52 1QA
0333 034 8197
Admissions Send email
This course is also available in other NRC campuses.