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Leisure Courses

Leisure: Art

Start Date: 7th January 2026
Code: YLPL0019B1

  • Part-Time
  • Larne
  • View basket


Duration: 12 Weeks Part-time
Number of weeks: 12
Start date: 7th January 2026
End date: 1st April 2026
Day: Wed
Time: 14:00-16:00

Course fees for each year.

  Year 1 Total Fee
Fee £151 £151

Find out more about eligibility for reduced course fees, payment options and financial support available in our fees and funding page.

This is a general Art class where students would bring in their own materials. The class discuss subject matter etc on the first evening and the tutor will provide guidance and demonstrate techniques. It is purely a leisure class and there is no examination/certification.

Pound Street
BT40 1SQ
0333 034 8197

