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Petra Satchwell

Job Title: Lecturer in Early Years and Social Care

Department: Health, Social Care and Access

Previous Roles/Industry Experience: With over two decades of extensive industrial experience, I have demonstrated a proven track record of working in diverse environments, such as primary schools, Sure Start programmes, mother, and baby units, supported living accommodations, and with individuals residing semi-independently within the community.

Benefit(s) of learning from an industry expert: Learning from an industry expert like myself can offer students a multitude of benefits. Some of these advantages include: 
1. Practical insights: Students can gain practical insights and real-world perspectives from someone who has hands-on experience in various industrial settings, enabling them to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. 
2. Relevance to current industry practices: Industry experts can provide up-to-date information on current trends, best practices, and emerging technologies within the field, ensuring that students are equipped with relevant and timely knowledge. 
3. Networking opportunities: Interacting with an industry expert can open doors to valuable networking opportunities, potentially leading to internships, job placements, or mentorship relationships that can further students' professional development. 
4. Career guidance: Industry experts can offer valuable career advice, guidance, and mentorship based on their own experiences, helping students navigate the complexities of the job market and make informed decisions about their career paths. 
5. Inspiration and motivation: Learning from someone with extensive industrial experience can inspire and motivate students by showcasing what can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and a passion for the field. 

Overall, engaging with an industry expert like myself can enrich students' learning experiences, enhance their career prospects, and empower them to succeed in their chosen field.

Tell us why students should study your course/subject area at Northern Regional College:  Students should be motivated to study courses within our department as they will gain a high-quality education, develop industry-relevant skills, access professional accreditation, learn from experienced staff, and pursue fulfilling career opportunities in the field of youth work, early childhood studies, and children's care, learning and development.

Most rewarding part of your job:  As a lecturer of Early Years and Social Care at Northern Regional College, the most rewarding aspect of my job is the opportunity to make a positive impact on a diverse range of students. Being a qualified teacher, I am able to identify individual learning styles and tailor my teaching approach to bring out the best in each student. I derive immense satisfaction from witnessing my students' growth, progress, and achievement.

Most memorable moment at Northern Regional College:  One of my most memorable moments as a lecturer at Northern Regional College was on my first day when I opened the door to my classroom. In that instant, a wave of realisation washed over me - I had achieved my dream of becoming a lecturer. The feeling of stepping into that classroom, ready to impart knowledge and inspire students, marked a significant milestone in my career journey. It was a moment of immense pride, accomplishment, and excitement, knowing that I had finally landed my dream job as an educator.