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Engineering staff at Northern Regional College are using 3D printers to produce protective face shields to help cope with the unprecedented demand for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

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Northern Regional College has embraced a wide range of technology and digital platforms to deliver online learning to its students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the power of technology, around 4,000 of the College’s students who normally attend classes at its campuses in Newtownabbey, Magherafelt, Ballymena, Ballymoney and Coleraine are now learning from home.

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As students – and their teachers – everywhere are coming to terms with remote learning, Art lecturer Paul Wilson has come up with a novel way of showing his Level 3 Industrial Art and Design class the sort of work he expects for their ‘Urban-Rural’ painting assignment. Paul set up an Instagram page and posted a selection of his own paintings on the theme, based on photographs the students had taken, and is delighted with the response. “It’s just a different way of showing them what is required for the assignment - they are clearly visual learners as there has been 100 percent engagement.”

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Northern Regional College has embarked on a joint initiative with South West Regional College to promote positive mental health among students by offering them online resilience training. Resilience training was previously delivered on a face-to-face basis as part of the College’s health and well-being strategy but, as Stephen McCartney, Head of Student Support at the College explains, the COVID-19 crises has prompted them to think outside the box and do things differently.

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Northern Regional College has donated a consignment of personal protection equipment (PPE) to hospitals, nursing and care homes across the local area as a sign of solidarity and support for frontline NHS workers at this difficult time. Lecturers and support staff from the College’s Ballymoney, Ballymena, Coleraine, Magherafelt and Newtownabbey campuses have sourced over 30,000 pairs of disposable gloves, 5,000 disposable aprons, 50 pairs of safety glasses and more than a dozen sets of goggles. The items have been distributed to healthcare workers and volunteers at Causeway Hospital as well as local nursing and care homes across the area in an effort to help some of the most vulnerable.

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COVID-19 Update - 19 March 2020

19th March 2020

Below is the joint statement below that has been issued this morning from the six Principals of the FE Colleges. The health, welfare and well-being of our staff and college community remains our primary concern. We are working to ensure core operations can be maintained and to minimise the impact on individuals. To assist us in dealing with queries and enable prompt responses to critical concerns, please channel any queries to your line manager. All Colleges are working together to address queries relating to HR and the FAQs will be updated as details become available. Each one of you should to take maximum care and adhere to social distancing guidance. In line with the latest medical advice if you or anyone in your household is experiencing the symptoms of COVID –19, you should self-isolate.

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