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Assured Skills Welding Academy is a ‘Win Win’ for Trainees and Employers


Group of students holding their certificates

Having completed an intensive five-week programme of industry standard welding training at Northern Regional College in Ballymena, the Assured Skills Welding Academy trainees are now doing a two-week placement with local fabrication and engineering companies. Christine Brown, Vice Principal of Teaching and Learning at Northern Regional College, said the Welding Academy is a ‘win win’ for employers and trainees: “The industrial standard training delivered by the Welding Academy will help employers identify and attract new talent while the trainees are getting much sought-after welding skills and a Level 2 qualification to help them to secure employmen

“The College will continue to work closely with local employers to identify their training needs and provide the training needed to close any skills gaps.”

Speaking at the launch of the Academy in November, Minister for the Economy Gordon Lyons said the Welding Academy presented an ideal opportunity for anyone looking to improve their employability by learning new skills that are in high demand. 

The Minister continued: “My Department’s Assured Skills programme has a successful track record of getting participants on these Academies into employment. The Academies also provide a pipeline of skilled people for local employers. This financial year we plan to deliver up to 16 Collaborative Welding Academies offering a maximum of 192 training places with further education colleges and companies across Northern Ireland.

“Since the Collaborative Welding Academies started in April 2018, 188 people have participated on the Academies and of those, 141 were successfully upskilled and 114 secured employment.”

For more information and to apply, visit http://www.nidirect.gov.uk/assured-skills