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College Staff Support Charities in COVID Fight


College Staff member working out

Cheryl McNeill was one of the many staff across all campuses who contributed to the success of the College’s recent Volunteer Day. Alongside her role as Business Engagement Officer at the Newtownabbey Campus, Cheryl is the founder of ‘Debut Dance Company’ – a Newtownabbey based social enterprise which offers dance classes that are fully accessible to all ages and abilities.

She explained: “With the restrictions in place, we couldn’t have our usual classes so we launched ‘The Daily Debut’ via our Facebook page to provide free tutorials or short routines every day at 1pm. These have proved to be hugely popular with younger people, but I also wanted to do something for those unable to be as fit and active.

“Having taught seated and armchair based exercise and dance classes for the past 10 years, I decided to extend ‘The Daily Debut’ to older members of the community or those with less mobility who cannot stand for long periods of time.”

As her contribution to Volunteer Day, Cheryl provided the 30-minute tutorials – dubbed ‘The Seated Sessions’ – to fifteen care homes in the Newtownabbey area.

“Because of the ‘lockdown’, most of the usual activities for residents in care homes had to be cancelled so I thought this a good opportunity for them to take part in some gentle movement exercises.”

Staff got involved in a range of fundraising activities and volunteering activities during Volunteering Day, clocking up hundreds of miles and raising thousands of pounds for a variety of charities in Northern Ireland.

To date, so far, thousands of pounds have been raised for Extern’s Coronavirus Hardship Appeal via JustGiving and donations have also gone to other charities, including Cancer research, Cardiomyopathy, Foyle Hospice, Cystic Fibrosis and COVID-19 research.

One of the major events was co-ordinated by Health & Social Care and Access lecturer Kate Pegram who invited colleagues to form virtual teams to walk, run or cycle a combined total of 79 miles – the distance between the College’s campuses – as part of their daily exercise routine.

Other College staff reached out to help local communities by doing litter collections, DIY and gardening chores for neighbours and delivering food parcels.

Professor Terri Scott, Principal and Chief Executive of Northern Regional College, said she was delighted, but not surprised, by the exceptionally positive response of the College’s inaugural Volunteer Day, which reinforced a sense of solidarity and collegiality across the College community.