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Enrolling at Northern Regional College ‘one of her best decisions’


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An aspiring young scientist from Whitehead said enrolling at Northern Regional College was ‘one of her best decisions ever'. Georgia Rafferty, who is now in the second year of a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Applied Science (Analytical and Forensic Science), said her experience of studying science at the College’s Newtownabbey campus has been really positive.

The Level 3 Extended Diploma is a vocational course which is an academic equivalent of three A-Levels and can be an alternative pathway to university or employment. 

With 10 GSCEs under her belt, including seven A and A*s, Georgia explained that although she was encouraged to stay on at school to do A levels, she wasn’t happy at school and wanted a change of pace. 

“I investigated my options and when I spoke with some students and staff, I realised that Northern Regional College offered an interesting range of courses, some of which I hadn’t even considered.

“Science is such a wide and interesting area, and this course opened my eyes to the different exciting career opportunities in science, particularly in the field of forensic science as I really enjoyed investigating simulated crime scenes.”

Georgia added that studying Science at Northern Regional College had presented her with many exciting opportunities.

As one of just 28 students from across Northern Ireland to secure a Nuffield Foundation Placement Award, she took part in a research project in the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Queen’s University, Belfast last summer.

“The two-week placement was one of the best opportunities of my life. I got to work with Dr Manyar (my research supervisor), Dr Wagh, and Gary Morrison.

My project investigated the pressing issue of carbon dioxide and how it can be converted into other chemicals such as methanol using a copper and zinc oxide catalyst."

Although still undecided about what to do when she completes the Level 3 Diploma later this year, Georgia is in the fortunate position of having different options to consider:   

“I applied to study Forensic Anthropology and Pathology at university and so far, I’ve received four offers but I’m also looking into the possibility of doing Higher Level Apprenticeship in Industrial Chemistry.”