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Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive and Well at Northern Regional College


Platter box of food

The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well at Northern Regional College with some students even managing to launch their own business during lockdown. With the hospitality sector almost at a standstill, Coleraine student Laura Pipinska, who is in the second year of a BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Business, identified a niche market for custom made charcuterie inspired platter boxes.

She explains how she came on the idea quite by chance after preparing a charcuterie board for her family.

“It went down really well and when my brother mentioned that people would pay good money something like that, a lightbulb went off in my head.

“Charcuterie boards have taken the internet and social media by storm during the lockdown. People feel they deserve a treat from time to time and nothing screams delicacy and indulgence more than colourful arrangement of fruit, nuts, cheese, and meats and other treats. When they’re prepared with a bit of creativity, charcuterie boards are not only aesthetically pleasing to the eye but provide a wonderful experience for the taste buds.”

Laura continued:  “I did some research and realised there was a gap in the local market for something like this. There’s a great variety of takeaways and food delivery options in the Causeway Coast and Glens area but how many are doing showstopping cheeseboards? 

As Laura started firming up her business plan, she set off on the trail of charcuterie boxes on Pinterest, designing mood boards and sourcing supplies. She bought up everything needed for the perfect Platterbox and her mum ? who is a professional photographer, look some amazing photos to show off the delectable nibbles. To keep herself right and ensure compliance with food hygiene regulations, Laura did a Level 2 Food Safety and Hygiene course online.

Family and friends were the initial customers but as soon as Laura posted colourful ‘Platterbox NI’ photos on Instagram, the orders came rolling in.

Juggling her commitments as a full-time student with a part-time job in Lidl, meant there weren’t too many spare hours in the day but, timing is everything. Laura admits that  starting her business in the run up to Christmas certainly helped boost sales. She is pragmatic about the business though and realises that with other commitments, in the short term at least, she will operate on a seasonable basis.

“It would be a lot to take on and wouldn’t be cost efficient to do it year-round but I’m really glad I pushed myself to go ahead with my business idea. It is something to build on.”

Knowing she could rely on the support of family and friends gave Laura the confidence to set up her own business. It also helped that business is in her blood - she is the third generation of entrepreneurs in the family: her grandmother ran a boutique and beauty salon; her grandfather operated a garage and her mother runs her own photography business.

Laura explained that she decided to study Business at Northern Regional College after doing her AS Levels because she didn’t want to do A levels.

“Exams weren’t my strong point and I liked the idea of the coursework-based learning environment that the College offers. I enjoy the consistency of the work and think there are many benefits of learning like this.

She continued: “I loved the course, particularly the Marketing units and would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in business as the subjects covered are very relevant and help you understand how theory applies in practice. We also had an opportunity to develop other skills like  time management, working as part of a team and doing presentations.”

Looking to the future, Laura, who plans to study Business at university in September, sees herself working in a business environment.