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GCSE Maths Going Online At Northern Regional College



In response to the positive feedback to remote learning during the lockdown, Northern Regional College has decided to offer GCSE Maths as an online option. Students will only have to attend the College to sit their exams. Click on https://bit.ly/3h9znHs for further information. Part-time GCSE Maths and English classes are offered at all campuses, as well as at some community-based outreach centres. In addition, GCSE Biology is offered at Ballymena, Coleraine and Newtownabbey campuses. Classes begin week commencing Monday 20 September. The deadline is approaching but there is still time to apply.

Romanian man Cosmin Vlasie did GCSE Maths and English as a part-time student at Northern Regional College in Ballymena to improve his employment prospects and now, just eighteen months after arriving in Northern Ireland, he has passed both with flying colours.

Comin achieved an A grade in both subjects and is now on track to do a Computing degree at university.

Cosmin had originally planned to settle in Switzerland but decided to join his sister in Northern Ireland.  Just eighteen months after arriving in Northern Ireland,

He explained: “I felt there would be more opportunities for me here and it would be easier to adapt to working through English. In Switzerland, it was mostly German and French,” he said.

Having studied Automatives and Informatives at undergraduate level in Romania, Cosmin knew he had the ability to progress and do well here. Within a few days of arriving in Northern Ireland, he was able to secure work with Moy Park but realised that accredited qualifications would improve his employability.  

“I went to the College’s Open Day in February 2020 and got talking to some of the lecturers. They were very encouraging and, after speaking to them, I decided to enrol for GCSE Maths and English classes.”

Although his classes were online because of the pandemic, Cosmin said his lecturers were most engaging and made the classes very enjoyable.

“They were so professional, it was a joy to be in their classes,” he said, adding that it was a very different from his experience as a student in Romania.  

“My teachers in Romania were very strict but I had a really enjoyable and positive learning experience at Northern Regional College. I have nothing but admiration and respect for my GCSE teachers.

“I feel I have a better understanding of the English language and both my written and oral skills have improved and I’ve also developed a more specialised knowledge of Maths.

Looking to the future, Cosmin hopes to pursue a career in the IT sector but his more immediate plan is to start a computing degree this autumn. 

Linda Beattie, GCSE English Lecturer at the College said that Cosmin tackled every English task with enthusiasm and set himself very high standards.

“He was an active participant who provided valuable contributions to the online classes and  I have no doubt that Cosmin will have great success in his chosen career.”