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Magherafelt healthcare student managing demands of study whilst working as a senior


Healthcare Practice student in whites with facemask

Louise Glendinning, Level 4 Healthcare Practice student at Northern Regional College in Magherafelt is managing the demands of part-time study with working full-time as a Lead Senior Carer in a local privately-owned care home. Despite the challenges of having to complete the first year of the two-year course remotely as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown, Louise says she is enjoying the course and would have no hesitation recommending it.

“The course is very interesting and relevant to my work. Having a good understanding of legislation and an ability to do audits are both very important for my role as a lead carer so I’ve found the course really beneficial.”

Louise admitted that working in a healthcare environment throughout the pandemic was very challenging but says pragmatically that everyone had to face difficulties of one kind or another.

“I just got on with it. On my days off, I got up early to do my assignments. It was difficult not having class contact with our tutors but they were all really supportive and gave us whatever guidance they could to ensure that we could complete the course.

“I think the course is ideal for anyone currently working in a caring environment and who would like to progress to study nursing or another related healthcare subject at university. I’d have no hesitation recommending it.

She added that one of the few silver linings of the pandemic is that there is now a much greater appreciation of the work that staff like herself are doing in privately owned care homes.

“At the start of the pandemic, the focus was on NHS frontline workers but increasingly people have realised that there are a lot of dedicated staff working in all kinds of other healthcare settings and this can only be a good thing.”

Eimear Lennon, Healthcare Practice lecturer and course co-ordinator said that Louise had brought a wealth of experience and expertise to the course.

“She is the student representative and was always prepared to go the extra mile if needed. Louise is a great student and a fully committed practitioner who has successfully managed both aspects of her busy life.” 

Eimear added that she was exceptionally proud of all her Healthcare Practice students who managed to complete all their coursework remotely, even though they were working in very challenging circumstances in various healthcare settings during the ‘lockdown’.

The Level 4 Healthcare Practice is offered at Northern Regional College’s campuses in Magherafelt, Ballymena, Coleraine and Newtownabbey.