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Newtownabbey drama students learn from ‘one of the best’


Male performing on stage

Award winning Belfast actor Matthew Forsythe visited Northern Regional College’s Newtownabbey campus to deliver a drama workshop to Level 3 Performing Arts students. Matthew, fresh from a successful run of Marie Jones’s one-man play ‘A Night in November’ at The MAC, explained how he researched and developed the play’s numerous characters and demonstrated how to bring them to life on stage

Drama lecturer Gemma McGranaghan said she was delighted to welcome Matthew to Newtownabbey as it was a real privilege for her students to learn from one of the best.

Set in 1994, ‘A Night in November’ is a monodrama about one man's struggle with national identity during The Troubles in Northern Ireland. Kenneth McAllister takes his father-in-law to Windsor Park in Belfast to watch his team, Northern Ireland, play the Republic of Ireland in their final qualifying match for the 1994 World Cup. Standing in Windsor Park with sectarian chants ringing in his ears, Kenneth questions his cultural identify. The play charts how he switches allegiance to follow the Jack Charlton and Republic of Ireland team to the USA and World Cup finals.

Gemma said: “We saw Matthew perform in ‘A Night in November’ at The MAC so it was very fresh in their minds. It is a very entertaining play: funny, sad, poignant and thought-provoking in equal measure and Matthew showed the students how they could use simple gestures to create the multiple characters on stage in the one man show.”

She added that the feedback from the students was positive.

“The workshop was thoroughly enjoyable. The students got a great insight into Matthew’s methods of developing characters. He was really down to earth, and they enjoyed chatting to him about his acting career.”

Pictured: Matthew Forsythe in A Night in November

Photo curtesy of Simon Fallaha.