The awards recognise the top electrical contractors, people, consultants, suppliers, products, and projects across Northern Ireland and the winners will be announced at a gala awards ceremony on June 2 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Shaws Bridge.
Ben is doing a ApprenticeshipNI Level 3 Award in Electrical Installation at the College’s Newtownabbey campus.
Congratulating Ben on his success, Electrical Installation lecturer Iain McCart, said this latest accolade for Ben was well deserved:
“Ben’s attendance and work ethic shows a clear commitment to his apprenticeship, his employer, and to the electrical industry.
“He is highly motivated, and this is clearly demonstrated by his assessments and exam results. In the first year of his apprenticeship, Ben came first in the inter-campus competition, ahead of more experienced apprentices and he was runner-up in Screwfix ‘Apprentice of the Year’ competition in 2021. He is continually looking for opportunities to improve his understanding of the subject and wider industry standards.”
Ben said he decided when he started his apprenticeship journey at Northern Regional College that he would do his best to get extra experience and qualifications and thanked his College lecturers and employer for their support, guidance and encouragement in helping him to his achieve his goal.
ICSS Ltd manager, Barry Gillespie, said Ben’s potential was recognised shortly after he joined the company as a second year apprentice.
“Ben has a terrific attitude to get every job completed to the highest standard. He is keen to learn new skills and when he gets feedback, uses this as opportunity to improve his practice.”