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Northern Regional College Principal Welcomes City Deal



Northern Regional College Principal and Chief Executive, Mel Higgins, has welcomed the signing of the Belfast Region City Deal, describing it as ‘a significant milestone for skills development in the region and in Northern Ireland’. The Belfast Region City Deal, the first of four City Deals for Northern Ireland, was signed by UK and NI Executive Ministers in Belfast this week. Over the next decade, it will unlock £1 billion of transformative co-investment which will deliver more than 20 ambitious projects and programmes, create up to 20,000 new and better jobs and help make the region a global investment destination.

The bespoke package of investment represents a new way of working between central and local government and regional partners to promote inclusive economic growth through Innovation and Digital,  Tourism and Regeneration, Infrastructure and Employability and Skills.

Northern Regional College, along with the other three FE Colleges serving the Belfast region, (Belfast Met, South Eastern Regional College and Southern Regional College) will help deliver on Employability and Skills element of the City Deal package of investment. 

Mel Higgins said this represented an exciting opportunity for FE Colleges to support the  regional economy by putting in place arrangements to deliver a constant pipeline of talent to support the growth created by the City Deal investments.

“The City Deal will be a catalyst for change and our colleges have a key role to play by ensuring that talented young people have access to the relevant training and qualifications, so they are equipped to secure well-paid jobs.

“The colleges already have strong collaborative partnerships with industry and the Belfast Region City Deal will help us build on these vital links to improve employability by ensuring that the right skills and talents are being nourished.”

He added: “Further Education provides a pathway for thousands of young people to learn transformational skills so they are work-ready when they leave education. We look forward to working with all the partners to support the future economic growth of the Belfast region.”

The Belfast Region City Deal will strengthen the region’s offer in growth sectors such as life and health sciences, digital and creative industries and advanced manufacturing. It will also support next generation digital capabilities, boost tourism by creating world-class visitor experiences and enable regeneration, underpinned by infrastructure developments and investment in skills to connect people to jobs and services.

Speaking on behalf of the Belfast Region City Deal partners, Belfast Lord Mayor Councillor Kate Nicholl said: “This is momentous for the Belfast region. Thanks to cross-party political support, private sector backing and unprecedented levels of collaboration from all of the Belfast region partners, we’ve succeeded in securing this significant, long term commitment to transforming the NI economy in the sectors where we have the potential to become world leaders. The Deal comes at a critical time, as we work to help local businesses and communities recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. A decade of opportunity starts now.”