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Top marks for business studies students


Northern Regional College students Michael Kearney, Rachel-Rose Mallon and Catriona O’Neill all achieved top marks in their Business Studies course at the College’s Magherafelt campus. They were each awarded a triple Distinction* grade in the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business Studies, which is the highest possible grade and is equivalent to three A*s at A-Level.

Commenting on their success, Business lecturer and course coordinator of the Level 3 course said:  

“Michael, Rachel-Rose and Catriona worked extremely hard to achieve such excellent results. They are a credit to the College, and I wish them every success in their future studies and careers.”

While he was at the College, Michael completed the Career Ready programme, a national charitable organisation which gives students real-life industry skills and knowledge as part of their preparation for the world of work. He also worked part-time at JC Stewart, a local family run independent supermarket owned by DSP Supermarkets.

“My studies at the College have been really useful. I see so much of the theory I learned being put into practice every day here at JC Stewart. What we’re taught at the College is very relevant and practical, meaning that when I’m in the workplace I have been able to understand why things are being done a certain way,” Michael said.

Michael now plans to pursue further studies in Business at Ulster University this September and said his time at Northern Regional College was “a great preparation” for going to university.

Catriona also completed the Career Ready programme while at the College.

“My time at the College was really beneficial as I was able to incorporate aspects of what I was taught in class - everything from people management to financial control - into a live environment,” she said. 

Catriona intends to undertake further studies within finance and investment management at Ulster University, saying her time at Northern Regional College has been “a fantastic route” for her journey to university. 

Explaining her decision to study at Northern Regional College, Rachel Rose explained:

“The campus in Magherafelt was the most convenient for me, but there was also a good range of courses on offer and lecturers were available to provide support and guidance to help me prepare for the world of work. The courses I completed at the College have helped develop my professional knowledge and transferable skills which will help my employability.”

Looking to the future, Rachel Rose hopes to return to the College in September for one of the new Leadership and Management courses being offered at Magherafelt campus next year – all part of her long-term goal to have the knowledge and skills needed to run her own business.