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‘World of Enterprise’ - Inspiring the Next Generation of Enterpreneurs


Northern Regional College has teamed up with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council and Ballymena Business Centre to deliver an exciting project for budding entrepreneurs. The World of Enterprise project is hoping to inspire the next wave of entrepreneurs in Mid and East Antrim. Specialist advisors and business role models will offer top business tips and support to students, encouraging them to consider self-employment as a viable career option.

Business support programmes are available across all subject areas, including media, hospitality, sport, tourism, health and wellbeing, counselling, childcare, business studies, as well as the various trades.   

Welcoming the initiative Anne Morrison, Curriculum Area Manager for Business at Northern Regional College, said: “Our students will have access to mentoring and be able to attend workshops that will equip them with the skills needed for self-employment as an alternative career path.

“Due to constraints placed on working conditions and access to services, there has been a significant growth in innovation over the past 18 months. Some of our students, thinking outside of the box, are looking to establish their own businesses. The World of Enterprise initiative could help their innovative ideas come to fruition.”

“The World of Enterprise initiative ties in very well with Northern Regional College’s role as the lead Hub for Entrepreneurship, promoting the benefits of creativity, innovation and self-employment among young people. We are looking forward to working with the local community and stakeholders to promote Entrepreneurial pathways for our students.”

Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Cllr William McCaughey said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for young people to really take control of their own future. There can be a fear of the unknown when it comes to owning your own business or working for yourself, and there needn’t be. With the right knowledge and support, which this project aims to share, it really can be the perfect platform to carving a successful future for yourself in whatever industry you want.

“As a business owner myself, I certainly understand the apprehension to go it alone, but it really can offer you many different opportunities. With the knowhow from Ballymena Business Centre and support from Northern Regional College, I look forward to hearing the successes of our future business people.

“One of Council’s priorities is to help boost our local economy, and what better way to do that than helping our young people forge a secure future for themselves in whatever business they wish to embark on.”  

Melanie Christie Boyle MBE, Chief Executive of Ballymena Business Centre said: “As students consider their future career options, which is often based around employment, we want to plant the seed of enterprise to raise awareness of self-employment.

“By helping young people believe in their own ability, build their enterprise support network and apply new skills acquired at NRC, we will better prepare our next generation of entrepreneurs to have the confidence to pursue new innovative business ideas.”

To find out more about World of Enterprise visit www.ballymenabusiness.co.uk or contact Melanie on T: 079 3035 8982 or E: melanie@ballymenabusiness.co.uk

For more information on business support available in Mid and East Antrim email E: amplify@midandeastantrim.gov.uk

For a full list of courses available at NRC please visit www.nrc.ac.uk