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Newtownabbey brickwork trainees had an opportunity to see the work involved in a major building project during a visit to Woodburn Primary School in Carrickfergus which is currently under construction. The first and second year trainees, accompanied by staff members Kieran Kelly and Sarah Lynas were given a guided tour of the £3.1 million new school development by site foreman Andy Greer.

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Creative Media staff and students at Northern Regional College have collaborated with the PSNI to produce a hard-hitting road safety message.The #SoberingMoment campaign aims to highlight the fact that drug driving is just as dangerous as drink driving. The initiative used the skills of the College’s students to promote safety and responsible decision-making amongst their peers.

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The success of Northern Regional College’s inaugural Inclusive Learning Careers Fair at the Ballymoney campus could lead it to becoming an annual event. The event was tailored to meet the needs of students with learning difficulties by facilitating one to one meetings between the students, their parents and support organisations to identify other college courses or potential career paths.

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Although June usually signals sunnier days, for many students undertaking GCSE and A level exams and embarking on the long wait for results, this month can bring about a great deal of stress and anxiety. As the cost of going to university continues to rise, the commitment to a further three or four years of book learning can seem daunting and simply may not be the right next step for those who are ready for something new. This is the opinion for two young people who have embarked on apprenticeships with the Galgorm Resort & Spa and Northern Regional College.

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Although June usually signals sunnier days, for many students undertaking GCSE and A Level exams and embarking on the long wait for results, this month can bring about a great deal of stress and anxiety. As the cost of going to university continues to rise, the commitment to a further three or four years of book learning can seem daunting and simply may not be the right next step for those who are ready for something new. This is the opinion of 18-year-old James Blair from Ballymena, has taken on the role of professional cookery apprentice with the Galgorm Resort & Spa and Northern Regional College.

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Although June usually signals sunnier days, for many students undertaking GCSE and A level exams and embarking on the long wait for results, this month can bring about a great deal of stress and anxiety. As the cost of going to university continues to rise, the commitment to a further three or four years of book learning can seem daunting and simply may not be the right next step for those who are ready for something new. This is the opinion of 20-year-old Louis Bell, from Carrickfergus who, a year ago, embarked on an apprenticeship in the kitchens of the Galgorm Resort & Spa with Northern Regional College.

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