Applications for Higher Education (Full-time/Part-time), Further Education and Traineeships/Apprenticeships
All applicants must apply for a course online, find out more at How to Apply.
Applications will be accepted typically until October for the incoming academic year. Deadlines for some courses may vary.
College admissions aims to observe the following timings for processing applications:
- Applications will be acknowledged by the College within 5 working days of receipt.
- Once applications have been acknowledged subsequent contact will be made by a member of the course team. Any requirements for further information will be explored at that stage. An information event, individual or group interview will be arranged as necessary. Where appropriate, additional support can be provided for students who have learning difficulties or disabilities. For Training/Apprenticeships you may be required to complete an aptitude test.
Decisions on Applications
Once an application has been processed one of the following decisions will be made:
- To offer a place unconditionally (a firm offer) – entry criteria has already been met.
- To offer a place subject to meeting certain conditions (a conditional offer).
- To offer an alternative course.
- To reject the application.
- Applicants for those courses where there is an element of work placement connected with children or vulnerable adults will be required to apply for Access NI clearance and registration with the Independent Safeguarding Authority if appropriate. The submission of an application does not guarantee a place on any course.
Entry Criteria
Entry Criteria for each course will be available on the website and contained in the College prospectus and other printed materials. Most up-to-date information will be published on the website. The skills required to succeed on the programme may take into account accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL). A guide on ‘Qualification Equivalences’ is available to help applicants determine if they meet the entry requirements for their chosen course.
The College recognises that there are many individuals who, for a variety of reasons, have not gained formal qualifications and will where possible offer alternative courses. Applications will also be considered from mature students with or without formal qualifications who can demonstrate a level of motivation and ability commensurate with the programme. Oversubscription will be dealt with by the individual curriculum area and may involve criteria enhancement.
If an applicant does not meet the criteria needed for entry at the start of the academic year, an alternative course may be offered.
Applicants who have been issued with an offer (firm or conditional) will be required to update and upload a copy of their results, supporting documentation and one form of official photographic identification.
Traineeship/Apprenticeship applicants must upload a copy of their National Insurance number (an official letter from HMRC or a copy of their National Insurance card), one form of official photographic identification and official certificates/results. Apprenticeship applicants are also required to upload an Employer Response Form and if required, a Vision Verification Form (Electrical Installation AppNI only)
To secure your place on a course you must enrol online. You can enrol online from the comfort of your own home - it's quick and simple. If you need any assistance enrolling online or want to discuss your application, visit us on-campus during our enrolment days.
Offer of Admission
On Enrolment Day, each applicant who is successful will receive a formal offer from the College. Applicants will be asked to accept or reject the offer. An offer will be withdrawn if proof of qualifications is not provided or an acceptable Access NI check is not obtained where appropriate. In exceptional circumstances, such as under-subscription, a course may be withdrawn by the College.
Applications for Part Time Further Education (Level 1-3)
All applicants must apply for a course online, find out more at How to Apply.
For a part-time course where an applicant is invited to attend an information event, the same process under decisions on applications will follow and applicants will be requested to secure their place as early as possible by enrolling and contact any campus reception to pay course fees.
For a part-time course which does not require attendance at an information event, after an applicant applies, an email communication will be sent to request the applicant to pay fees and enrol to secure a place.
A place on a part-time course will not be secured until the applicant has met all criteria for entry (if applicable) and has completed the College enrolment process including payment (or made arrangements for payment to be made). The College reserves the right to set interim closing dates in the case of high numbers of applications.
For a part-time course which is being delivered online, a Teams invite will be sent for the first class via text/SMS (you should check how to transfer this link to your PC or laptop). You are encouraged to download our Engage App, where you are able to view your student number which will allow you to access your College email account. The Engage App can be downloaded from Google Play or Apple Store.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that details supplied to the College are kept up to date e.g. change of email address, mobile telephone number or address to enable the College to communicate directly throughout the admissions process.
Further details can be found in the admissions policy
If you have any queries please contact